HPF # |
Title |
Date |
Location |
Plat |
Lot |
Notes |
276 A |
Fort Getty Water, Sewer, & Electric Utilities |
276 B |
The Knowles Plat |
7/30/1913 |
Longfellow Road |
276 B |
Fort Getty |
5/15/1947 |
277 A |
The Knowles Plat |
7/30/1913 |
Douglass Street |
277 A |
The Knowles Plat |
7/30/1913 |
Fowler Street |
277 A |
The Knowles Plat |
7/30/1913 |
Grinnell Street |
277 A |
6/26/1913 |
Grinnell Street |
277 A |
The Knowles Plat |
7/30/1913 |
Harriet Street |
277 A |
The Knowles Plat |
7/30/1913 |
Longfellow Road |
277 A |
6/26/1913 |
Longfellow Road |
277 A |
The Knowles Plat |
7/30/1913 |
Luther Street |
277 A |
The Knowles Plat |
7/30/1913 |
Maple Street |
277 A |
The Knowles Plat |
7/30/1913 |
Melrose Street |
277 A |
6/26/1913 |
Melrose Street |
277 A |
The Knowles Plat |
7/30/1913 |
North Main Road |
277 A |
The Knowles Plat |
7/30/1913 |
Plymouth Road |
277 A |
The Knowles Plat |
7/30/1913 |
Swinburne Street |
277 A |
The Knowles Plat |
7/30/1913 |
Valley Street |
277 A |
Fort Getty |
277 B |
Bay View - The property of Thomas Congdon Watson |
1874 |
Arnold Avenue |
277 B |
Portions of Valley Street and Plymouth Road |
11/10/1919 |
Douglass Street |
277 B |
Bay View - The property of Thomas Congdon Watson |
1874 |
Ferry Avenue |
277 B |
Portions of Valley Street and Plymouth Road |
11/10/1919 |
Fowler Street |
277 B |
Portions of Valley Street and Plymouth Road |
11/10/1919 |
Harriet Street |
277 B |
Bay View - The property of Thomas Congdon Watson |
1874 |
Lawn Avenue |
277 B |
Jamestown Recreation Center |
11/10/1939 |
Lawn Avenue |
277 B |
Portions of Valley Street and Plymouth Road |
11/10/1919 |
Luther Street |
277 B |
Bay View - The property of Thomas Congdon Watson |
1874 |
Main Road |
277 B |
Bay View - The property of Thomas Congdon Watson |
1874 |
Maple Avenue |
277 B |
Bay View - The property of Thomas Congdon Watson |
1874 |
Melrose Avenue |
277 B |
Jamestown Recreation Center |
11/10/1939 |
Melrose Avenue |
277 B |
Bay View - The property of Thomas Congdon Watson |
1874 |
Ocean Avenue |
277 B |
Bay View - The property of Thomas Congdon Watson |
1874 |
Pemberton Avenue |
277 B |
Bay View - The property of Thomas Congdon Watson |
1874 |
Perry Street |
277 B |
Portions of Valley Street and Plymouth Road |
11/10/1919 |
Plymouth Road |
277 B |
Bay View - The property of Thomas Congdon Watson |
1874 |
Shore Drive |
277 B |
Portions of Valley Street and Plymouth Road |
11/10/1919 |
Valley Street |
277 B |
Bay View - The property of Thomas Congdon Watson |
1874 |
Washington Street |
277 B |
Bay View - The property of Thomas Congdon Watson |
1874 |
Watson Avenue |
277 B |
Jamestown Recreation Center |
11/10/1939 |
Watson Avenue |
278 A |
Plat of Baldwin Court |
Baldwin Court |
278 A |
Proposed Recreation Center |
4/18/1939 |
Lawn Avenue |
278 A |
Jamestown Recreation Field |
6/17/1939 |
Lawn Avenue |
278 A |
Proposed Recreation Center |
4/18/1939 |
Melrose Avenue |
278 A |
Proposed Recreation Center |
4/18/1939 |
Watson Avenue |
278 B |
Southeastern New England Plat |
9/21/1976 |
Arnold Avenue |
278 B |
Southeastern New England Plat |
9/21/1976 |
Pemberton Avenue |
279 A |
Jamestown Shores Plat No. 6 |
10/1949 |
Arnold Avenue |
279 A |
Jamestown Shores Plat No. 6 |
10/1949 |
Lawn Avenue |
279 A |
Jamestown Shores Plat No. 6 |
10/1949 |
Log Street |
279 A |
Jamestown Shores Plat No. 6 |
10/1949 |
Melrose Avenue |
279 A |
Jamestown Shores Plat No. 6 |
10/1949 |
North Main Road |
279 A |
Jamestown Shores Plat No. 6 |
10/1949 |
Pemberton Avenue |
279 A |
Jamestown Shores Plat No. 6 |
10/1949 |
Perry Street |
279 A |
Jamestown Shores Plat No. 6 |
10/1949 |
Quadrant Street |
279 A |
Jamestown Shores Plat No. 6 |
10/1949 |
Sextant Drive |
279 B |
Property of Susan Maden |
2/26/1980 |
Avenue B |
8 |
21, 22 |
279 B |
Property of Susan Maden |
2/26/1980 |
Bay View Drive |
8 |
21, 22 |
279 B |
Property of Susan Maden |
2/26/1980 |
Ocean Avenue |
8 |
21, 22 |
279 B |
Property of Susan Maden |
2/26/1980 |
Watson Avenue |
8 |
21, 22 |
280 A |
Mount Hope Park |
6/15/1977 |
Calvert Place |
280 A |
Mount Hope Park |
6/15/1977 |
Center Street |
280 A |
Mount Hope Park |
6/15/1977 |
Florida Avenue |
280 A |
Mount Hope Park |
6/15/1977 |
Mount Hope Avenue |
280 A |
Mount Hope Park |
6/15/1977 |
Pennsylvania Avenue |
280 B |
Plat of Bryer Farm |
1884 |
Bay View Drive |
280 B |
Plat of Bryer Farm |
1884 |
Bryer Avenue |
280 B |
Plat of Bryer Farm |
1884 |
Calvert Place |
280 B |
Plat of Bryer Farm |
1884 |
Canonicus Avenue |
280 B |
Plat of Bryer Farm |
1884 |
Florida Avenue |
280 B |
Plat of Bryer Farm |
1884 |
Mount Hope Avenue |
281 A |
Administrative Sub-division of Property Belonging to Sydney Waller |
3/11/2013 |
Beavertail Road |
281 A |
Plat of Western Part of Bryer Farm |
7/25/1913 |
Bryer Avenue |
281 A |
Plat of Western Part of Bryer Farm |
7/25/1913 |
Calvert Place |
281 A |
Plat of Western Part of Bryer Farm |
7/25/1913 |
Canonicus Avenue |
281 A |
Plat of Western Part of Bryer Farm |
7/25/1913 |
Center Street |
281 A |
Plat of Western Part of Bryer Farm |
7/25/1913 |
Florida Avenue |
281 A |
Plat of Western Part of Bryer Farm |
7/25/1913 |
Mount Hope Avenue |
281 A |
Plat of Western Part of Bryer Farm |
7/25/1913 |
Pennsylvania Avenue |
281 B |
Plat of Western Part of Bryer Farm |
7/25/1913 |
Bryer Avenue |
281 B |
Plat of Western Part of Bryer Farm |
7/25/1913 |
Calvert Place |
281 B |
Map of Land of Logan Cresap Jr. |
8/9/1979 |
Calvert Place |
281 B |
Plat of Western Part of Bryer Farm |
7/25/1913 |
Canonicus Avenue |
281 B |
Plat of Western Part of Bryer Farm |
7/25/1913 |
Center Street |
281 B |
Plat of Western Part of Bryer Farm |
7/25/1913 |
Florida Avenue |
281 B |
Plat of Western Part of Bryer Farm |
7/25/1913 |
Mount Hope Avenue |
281 B |
Map of Land of Logan Cresap Jr. |
8/9/1979 |
Mount Hope Avenue |
281 B |
Plat of Western Part of Bryer Farm |
7/25/1913 |
Pennsylvania Avenue |
282 A |
Plan of the Davis Estate |
8/4/1939 |
Newport Avenue |
282 A |
Plan of the Davis Estate |
8/4/1939 |
Ocean Street |
282 A |
Plan of the Davis Estate |
8/4/1939 |
Walcott Avenue |
282 B |
6/30/1905 |
Bay View Drive |
282 B |
The Edward T. Davis Land |
8/15/1925 |
Bay View Drive |
282 B |
6/30/1905 |
Canonicus Avenue |
282 B |
The Edward T. Davis Land |
8/15/1925 |
Canonicus Avenue |
282 B |
The Edward T. Davis Land |
8/15/1925 |
Davis Street |
282 B |
6/30/1905 |
Mount Hope Avenue |
283 A |
Conanicut Land Improvement Association, Inc. |
10/5/1925 |
Bay Street |
283 A |
10/7/1925 |
Bay View Drive |
283 A |
Conanicut Land Improvement Association, Inc. |
10/5/1925 |
Buloid Avenue |
283 A |
10/7/1925 |
Buloid Avenue |
283 A |
Conanicut Land Improvement Association, Inc. |
10/5/1925 |
Canonicus Avenue |
283 A |
Conanicut Land Improvement Association, Inc. |
10/5/1925 |
Harbor Street |
283 A |
Conanicut Land Improvement Association, Inc. |
10/5/1925 |
Mount Hope Avenue |
283 A |
10/7/1925 |
Mount Hope Avenue |
283 B |
Plat Showing Property of Conanicut Land Improvement Association Inc. |
1/12/1926 |
Bay Street |
283 B |
Plat Showing Property of Conanicut Land Improvement Association Inc. |
1/12/1926 |
Bay View Drive |
283 B |
Plat Showing Property of Conanicut Land Improvement Association Inc. |
1/12/1926 |
Buloid Avenue |
283 B |
Plat Showing Property of Conanicut Land Improvement Association Inc. |
1/12/1926 |
Canonicus Avenue |
283 B |
John C., Mary N., Ann Marie & Katherine K. Bolger & Rebecca Small |
3/6/2012 |
East Shore Road |
7 |
74 |
283 B |
Plat Showing Property of Conanicut Land Improvement Association Inc. |
1/12/1926 |
Harbor Street |
283 B |
Plat Showing Property of Conanicut Land Improvement Association Inc. |
1/12/1926 |
Mount Hope Avenue |
284 A |
Canonicus Avenue |
284 A |
Henry Kowalczuk |
6/14/2011 |
Indian Avenue |
1 |
67 |
284 A |
Main Road |
284 A |
Henry Kowalczuk |
6/14/2011 |
North Main Road |
1 |
67 |
284 A |
Henry Kowalczuk |
6/14/2011 |
Valley Avenue |
1 |
67 |
284 B |
Plat Showing Lines of Eldred Avenue |
2/27/1939 |
285 A |
Potters Point |
4/5/1900 |
Bath Circle |
285 A |
Potters Point |
4/5/1900 |
Bay View Drive |
285 A |
Potters Point |
4/5/1900 |
Beach Road |
285 A |
Potters Point |
4/5/1900 |
Buena Vista Court |
285 A |
Potters Point |
4/5/1900 |
Conanicus Avenue |
285 A |
Potters Point |
4/5/1900 |
Prospect Road |
285 B1 |
Plat Showing Lines of Eldred Avenue |
2/27/1939 |
Eldred Avenue |
285 B2 |
Plat Showing Lines of Eldred Avenue |
2/27/1939 |
Eldred Avenue |
286 A |
10/28/1916 |
Decatur Avenue |
286 A |
Narragansett Park |
5/11/1908 |
North Boulevard |
286 A |
Narragansett Park |
5/11/1908 |
Shore Road |
286 A |
Narragansett Park |
5/11/1908 |
South Boulevard |
286 B1 |
Plat Showing Lines of Eldred Avenue |
2/27/1939 |
Eldred Avenue |
286 B |
Plat Showing Lines of Eldred Avenue |
2/27/1939 |
Eldred Avenue |
286 B2 |
Plat Showing Lines of Eldred Avenue |
2/27/1939 |
North Road |
287 A |
Plat Showing Portion of Watson Avenue and of Bay View Drive |
2/20/1942 |
Bay View Drive |
287 A |
Plan of Land Purchased by Jamestown Bridge Commission from Heirs of Thomas A. H. Tefft |
2/2/1939 |
Eldred Avenue |
287 A |
Plat Showing Portion of Watson Avenue and of Bay View Drive |
2/20/1942 |
Ocean Avenue |
287 A |
Plat Showing Portion of Watson Avenue and of Bay View Drive |
2/20/1942 |
Watson Avenue |
287 B2 |
Plat Showing Lines of Eldred Avenue |
2/27/1939 |
East Shore Road |
287 B1 |
Plat Showing Lines of Eldred Avenue |
2/27/1939 |
Eldred Avenue |
287 B |
Plat Showing Lines of Eldred Avenue |
2/27/1939 |
Eldred Avenue |
288 A |
Bay Terrace |
2/1957 |
Bay Terrace |
288 A |
Bay Terrace |
2/1957 |
Coulter Street |
288 A |
Bay Terrace |
2/1957 |
East Shore Road |
288 A |
Bay Terrace |
2/1957 |
Marcello Street |
288 A |
Plat Showing Portion of Watson Avenue |
4/1952 |
Melrose Avenue |
288 A |
Bay Terrace |
2/1957 |
Penny Road |
288 A |
Bay Terrace |
2/1957 |
Reise Road |
288 A |
Plat Showing Portion of Watson Avenue |
4/1952 |
Washington Street |
288 A |
Plat Showing Portion of Watson Avenue |
4/1952 |
Watson Avenue |
288 B |
Plan of Sea View Park |
12/1944 |
Sea View Avenue |
289 A |
Plat of Wydwyc Brae |
12/24/1910 |
Carriage Drive |
289 A |
Plat of Wydwyc Brae |
12/24/1910 |
East Shore Road |
289 A |
Pier at East Jamestown for Jamestown & Newport Ferry Co. |
12/20/1939 |
289 B |
Proposed Cemetery Subdivsion |
5/14/1917 |
Narragansett Avenue |
289 B |
Proposed Cemetery Subdivsion |
5/14/1917 |
North Main Road |
290 A |
Plat of Cedar Cemetery and extension |
290 B |
Plat of Broad Street Conanicut Park |
3/19/1908 |
Broad Street |
290 B |
Plat of Broad Street Conanicut Park |
3/19/1908 |
Broadway |
290 B |
3/24/1947 |
Hamilton Avenue |
290 B |
Plan Showing Land of Richard Brownell |
1/1958 |
Hillside Avenue |
290 B |
3/24/1947 |
Howland Avenue |
290 B |
Plat of Broad Street Conanicut Park |
3/19/1908 |
Orient Avenue |
290 B |
Plat of Broad Street Conanicut Park |
3/19/1908 |
Summer Street |
291 A |
Plot Plan of Proposed Hospital Site |
Beavertail Road |
291 B |
Summit Avenue |
8/1904 |
Bay View Drive |
291 B |
Summit Avenue |
8/1904 |
Cottage Avenue |
291 B |
Summit Avenue |
8/1904 |
Forest Avenue |
291 B |
Summit Avenue |
8/1904 |
Hillside Avenue |
291 B |
Lopez Street |
291 B |
Summit Avenue |
8/1904 |
Mary Street |
291 B |
Summit Avenue |
8/1904 |
Narragansett Avenue |
291 B |
Plan of Orchard Avenue |
3/1951 |
North Main Road |
291 B |
Plan of Orchard Avenue |
3/1951 |
Orchard Avenue |
291 B |
Orient Street |
291 B |
Summit Avenue |
8/1904 |
Summit Avenue |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Asbury Place |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Bay View Drive |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Beacon Place |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Boston Avenue |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Broad Street |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Broadway |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Clinton Street |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Commercial Street |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Court Street |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Fairview Street |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Franklin Place |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Hillside Avenue |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Lafayette Place |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Lippitt Street |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Lopez Street |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Mount Vernon Street |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Narragansett Avenue |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Newport Avenue |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Orient Avenue |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Providence Avenue |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Waverly Street |
292 A |
Sketch Indicating Ownership of Parcels on East Side of Conanicut Island |
Winona Street |
292 B |
Land to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Arnold Avenue |
292 B |
Land of Joseph Wharton Estate |
7/1942 |
Beavertail Road |
292 B |
Land of Joseph Wharton Estate |
7/1942 |
Beavertail Road |
292 B |
Land to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Beavertail Road |
292 B |
Land to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Benedict Street |
292 B |
Land to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Brenton Street |
292 B |
Land to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Cliff Avenue |
292 B |
Land to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Coddington Avenue |
292 B |
Land to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Josiah Street |
292 B |
Land to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Massasoit Avenue |
292 B |
Land to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Metatoxet Avenue |
292 B |
Land to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Ocean Avenue |
292 B |
Land to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Sachem Street |
292 B |
Land to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Sheldon Avenue |
293 A |
Beavertail Point - Land to be Acquired from T. G. & A. W. K. Bradshaw |
3/1943 |
Arnold Avenue |
293 A |
Beavertail Point - Land to be Acquired from Howard R. Horton |
3/1943 |
Arnold Avenue |
293 A |
Marcella & Donald Earnshaw |
8/3/2012 |
Beach Avenue |
14 |
301 |
293 A |
Beavertail Point - Land to be Acquired from T. G. & A. W. K. Bradshaw |
3/1943 |
Brenton Street |
293 A |
Marcella & Donald Earnshaw |
8/3/2012 |
Deck Street |
14 |
301 |
293 A |
Marcella & Donald Earnshaw |
8/3/2012 |
Mast Street |
14 |
301 |
293 A |
Marcella & Donald Earnshaw |
8/3/2012 |
Net Street |
14 |
301 |
293 A |
Beavertail Point - Land to be Acquired from Howard R. Horton |
3/1943 |
Ocean Avenue |
293 B |
Corrective Property Line Plan for Jennifer Swett Chrisman & Samuel Bard Chrisman |
8/13/2014 |
Bryer Avenue |
8 |
245 |
293 B |
Corrective Property Line Plan for Jennifer Swett Chrisman & Samuel Bard Chrisman |
8/13/2014 |
Calvert Place |
8 |
245 |
293 B |
Project Afirm Beavertail |
9/2/1944 |
State Highway |
294 A |
Map of Portsmouth, RI |
1937 |
294 B |
Partial Subdivision of Land of Boy Scouts of America |
10/20/1941 |
Beavertail Road |
295 A |
Map of the City of Newport, RI |
1965 |
295 B |
Map of Middletown, RI |
1965 |
295 B |
Map of Town of Portsmouth, RI |
1965 |
296 A |
Map of the City of Providence, RI |
1884 |
296 B |
Map of the City of Providence, RI |
1884 |
297 A |
Partial Subdivision of Land of Boy Scouts of America |
10/20/1941 |
Beaver Tail Road |
297 A |
Redraft of Subdivision of part of Julian H. Durfee Land |
6/1944 |
Beavertail Road |
297 B |
Grey Gull Village |
7/1949 |
Beaver Tail Road |
297 B |
Grey Gull Village |
7/1949 |
Grey Gull Road |
298 A |
Lands to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Arnold Avenue |
298 A |
Lands to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Beavertail Road |
298 A |
Lands to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Benedict Street |
298 A |
Lands to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Brenton Street |
298 A |
Lands to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Cliff Avenue |
298 A |
Lands to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Coddington Avenue |
298 A |
Lands to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Josiah Street |
298 A |
Lands to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Massasoit Avenue |
298 A |
Lands to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Metatoxet Avenue |
298 A |
Lands to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Ocean Avenue |
298 A |
Lands to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Sachem Street |
298 A |
Lands to be Acquired by U.S. Government |
3/1942 |
Sheldon Avenue |
299 A |
Certain Land of Frank M. Smith |
1/8/1957 |
Hamilton Avenue |
299 A |
Certain Land of Frank M. Smith |
1/8/1957 |
Highland Drive |
299 B |
Top "O" the Mark Subdivision No. 1 |
7/17/1964 |
Dolphin Avenue |
5 |
409 |
299 B |
Top "O" the Mark Subdivision No. 1 |
7/17/1964 |
Keel Avenue |
5 |
409 |
299 B |
Top "O" the Mark Subdivision No. 1 |
7/17/1964 |
Nun Avenue |
5 |
409 |
299 B |
Top "O" the Mark Subdivision No. 1 |
7/17/1964 |
Spar Street |
5 |
409 |
299 B |
Top "O" the Mark Subdivision No. 1 |
7/17/1964 |
Top "O" the Mark Dr |
5 |
409 |
300 A |
Top "O" the Mark Subdivision No. 2 |
6/22/1967 |
Ferry Street |
300 A |
Top "O" the Mark Subdivision No. 2 |
6/22/1967 |
John Street |
300 A |
Top "O" the Mark Subdivision No. 2 |
6/22/1967 |
Keel Avenue |
300 A |
Top "O" the Mark Subdivision No. 2 |
6/22/1967 |
Norman Road |
300 A |
Top "O" the Mark Subdivision No. 2 |
6/22/1967 |
Spirketing Street |
300 A |
Top "O" the Mark Subdivision No. 2 |
6/22/1967 |
Steamboat Street |
300 A |
Top "O" the Mark Subdivision No. 2 |
6/22/1967 |
Top "O" the Mark Dr |