Report Street Light Outage
Please direct all reports of street light outages to Rise Engineering. The 24-hour phone number for outage reporting is 877-524-2590. Residents may also text 401-594-3332. The outage form can be accessed by clicking this link:
Residents should be prepared to provide the following information:
- Name (optional)
- Town or City – this number is used for more than one community, so they will need to know which one has an issue
- Street Name and Pole number (include cross streets and/or address, if available)
- Email/phone number (if you want follow up – not required)
- Pole type (wood, metal with arm, decorative post top)
- Outage type (light out at night, pole replaced-light strapped to pole, light flashing, other –please describe
- Any additional information you believe we should know
If you see a light pole that has been knocked down, or appears to have significant damage, please contact the Jamestown Police Department at 401-423-1212.